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A Manufactured Famine: The Weaponization of Starvation in Palestine by Israel

Israel's historic use of starvation as a weapon in Gaza—by attacking humanitarian aid and destroying food supplies—reveals a deliberate strategy in its ongoing genocide of Palestinians.

Since the Nakba of 1948, the limiting of food resources has been one of Israel’s go-to tactics to perpetuate the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian communities.

In the past 11 months, the humanitarian situation in Gaza has diminished significantly, with Israel employing starvation tactics against a decimated Palestinian civilian population.

These tactics are part of a broader, more insidious strategy, one hellbent on the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian population in their Zionist pursuit of domination.

Attacks on Humanitarian Convoys

Most recently, the deliberate attacks on humanitarian efforts, particularly those by organizations like the World Food Programme (WFP) and World Central Kitchen (WCK), not only cripple the delivery of essential food supplies but also highlight the weaponization of starvation as a tool of warfare.

Aftermath of the Israeli attack on a clearly marked World Central Kitchen vehicle, which killed 7 humanitarian aid workers.

World Central Kitchen Assault

In a recent egregious example, an airstrike by Israeli forces on a World Central Kitchen convoy resulted in the deaths of seven aid workers, including six international volunteers and a Palestinian driver. Despite Israel’s initial denial of an intentional airstrike, arguing instead that it was an accident, evidence to the contrary quickly prompted them to slightly change their narrative.

WCK had coordinated in advance with Israeli military forces, but the strike proceeded, resulting in a devastating loss of life and a significant blow to humanitarian efforts.

The death of these aid workers, who were among the few brave enough to operate in the increasingly dangerous region, severely disrupted the already strained supply chains and further endangered the survival of Gaza’s besieged population.

Clearly marked aid vehicle of World Food Programme aid workers targeted by Israeli gunfire

World Food Programme Ambush

After an Israeli attack targeted one of its teams last week, the World Food Programme (WFP) was compelled to suspend its staff movements , marking a significant escalation in the risks faced by humanitarian workers in Gaza.

This suspension has dire implications for the already critical situation in the region. With the WFP unable to safely distribute aid, the flow of essential food supplies has been severely disrupted, exacerbating the dire conditions for the more than one million people in Gaza who are already on the brink of famine.

The suspension of WFP operations not only interrupts the delivery of food but also sends a chilling message about the dangers faced by those attempting to provide humanitarian relief in one of the world’s most volatile conflict zones.

IOF drone footage of the carnage inflicted on starving Palestinians during the Flour Massacre

The Flour Massacre: Targeting the Starving

The cruelty of this strategy is further exemplified by incidents where starving Palestinians attempting to reach food have been directly targeted. A particularly harrowing event occurred in March, known as the "Flour Massacre."

Hundreds of Gazans, desperate for food, were killed when Israeli forces opened fire on civilians as they approached a UNRWA food distribution center in search of flour.

Despite initial reports suggesting that the massacre was an accident, further investigation revealed a deliberate targeting of civilians, sparking outrage and further highlighting the severe human rights violations occurring in Gaza. This massacre not only underscores the extreme measures being taken to enforce the blockade but also reflects the broader strategy of using food scarcity as a weapon of control and subjugation.

The aftermath of the Flour Massacre

IOF Sabotage of Food

Adding to the crisis, reports have emerged that Israeli soldiers have intentionally burned food supplies stored in UNRWA facilities in Gaza, further exacerbating the already dire humanitarian situation. These deliberate acts of destruction were aimed at depriving Palestinians of essential nutrition, underscoring a broader strategy of using starvation as a weapon.

The burning of these food supplies did not occur in isolated incidents; rather, it was part of a pattern aimed at deepening the suffering of a population already reeling from severe shortages of food, water, and medical supplies. Such actions have drawn widespread condemnation from international humanitarian organizations, but the damage inflicted on the civilian population has been severe, leaving many without access to the critical sustenance they need to survive.

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Destroying Water Sources

Similarly, the destruction of water infrastructure in Gaza has been a significant component of this strategy to weaken the Palestinian population. Israeli forces have been reported to blow up water reservoirs, further compounding the humanitarian disaster in a region already facing extreme water scarcity. This destruction of vital resources during a time of intense heatwaves has pushed Gaza closer to a full-blown humanitarian catastrophe.

The deliberate targeting of both food and water supplies is a clear attempt to strip the Palestinian people of their basic means of survival, intensifying the already unbearable conditions in the besieged territory. Such tactics reflect a calculated effort to undermine the resilience of Gaza's population by cutting off access to essential resources, deepening the crisis in ways that have far-reaching and devastating consequences.

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The Freedom Flotilla: A Voice of Hope Silenced

One of the most significant examples of this strategy was the massacre of the crew aboard the Mavi Marmara, a part of the Freedom Flotilla in 2010.

The flotilla, composed of six ships carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza, was intercepted by Israeli forces in international waters. The most notorious of these confrontations occurred on the Mavi Marmara, where Israeli commandos boarded the ship and killed ten activists.

Israeli forces storm the Mavi Marmara during the raid on the flotilla. Passengers reported that soldiers started firing as soon as they reached the deck.

The flotilla's mission was to break the blockade and deliver much-needed supplies to Gaza, but it ended in tragedy, with the international community witnessing Israel's willingness to use lethal force to prevent aid from reaching the besieged territory.

Despite being celebrated in Israel, the attack on the Freedom Flotilla was internationally condemned. Nevertheless, it served to highlight the lengths to which Israel would go to maintain its stranglehold on Gaza. The flotilla was not just an attempt to deliver aid; it was a direct challenge to the legitimacy of the blockade itself.

Israel's violent response sent a clear message to the world: any attempt to alleviate the suffering in Gaza, whether through diplomatic or direct action, would be met with overwhelming force.

Caloric Intake Crisis: A Calculated Component of Starvation

One of the most harrowing aspects of the current situation in Gaza is the dangerously low caloric intake for Palestinians living under the blockade.

Documents have revealed that Israel has meticulously calculated and controlled the caloric intake of Gaza’s population as part of its broader strategy to keep the population subdued.

In 2012, it was uncovered that Israel had conducted studies to determine the minimum number of calories required to prevent outright starvation among Palestinians while still enforcing severe food restrictions.

This "calorie count" was not just a bureaucratic exercise but a deliberate strategy to impose a form of collective punishment on the people of Gaza.

Palestinians attempting to obtain sustenance during a campaign of coordinated starvation.

The results of these policies have been catastrophic. In some areas of northern Gaza, people have been forced to survive on as little as 245 calories a day—an amount less than what is found in a can of beans. This severe restriction on food intake has led to widespread malnutrition and has exacerbated the already dire humanitarian crisis.

The World Food Programme and other organizations have repeatedly warned of the catastrophic consequences of this enforced starvation, describing it as a "man-made famine" that could have long-lasting effects on the health and well-being of Gaza's population.

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Airdrop Tragedies: Deadly Humanitarian Aid Drops

Adding to the tragedy of Gaza’s starvation crisis, there have also been instances where aid that finally arrives by air has resulted in more deaths. In March 2024, an airdrop meant to deliver much-needed supplies to the starving population malfunctioned, killing five Palestinians when the cargo containers landed in a densely populated area.

Meanwhile, in another incident, 12 Palestinians drowned trying desperately to reach aid that landed in the ocean.

These incidents, intentional or not, speak to the greater desperation of the situation in Gaza, where even the arrival of aid can become another source of tragedy and loss. The deaths resulting from these airdrops not only highlight the dangers of delivering aid in such hostile environments, but also serve as an example of the irony in the notion that these aid drops would not even be necessary if the nations dropping them would stop arming the occupation forces.

Starving by the Sea: Deadly Fishing Restrictions and Attacks on Fishermen

The blockade on Gaza's fishing industry is another element of the broader strategy to starve and weaken the Palestinian population.

Fishing, once a primary source of food and livelihood for many in Gaza, has been severely restricted by Israel.

Under the blockade, Gaza’s fisherfolk are limited to a small, confined zone, reducing their ability to fish in more bountiful waters.

Even within these restricted areas, fishermen face constant threats, including harassment, arrests, and live fire from Israeli naval forces, which puts their lives at risk as they try to provide for their families.

The effects of these restrictions are devastating, both economically and nutritionally. Fishing has long been a staple of Gaza’s economy, but with access to deeper waters cut off, the industry has been decimated.

Fishermen struggle to catch enough to sustain their livelihoods, let alone feed their families. This systematic strangulation of a vital food source exacerbates the already dire situation in Gaza, where food insecurity has run rampant.

Illegal Israeli Settlers

The Israeli aggression against aid organizations is not limited to military actions; it is also supported by a broader culture of hostility towards Palestinians that is deeply ingrained in the minds of many illegal Israeli settlers.

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Blocking Aid

Recently, groups of Israeli settlers have taken it upon themselves to physically block aid from reaching Gaza.

These settlers, driven by a Zionist ideology that justifies the subjugation and oppression of Palestinians, have actively interfered with humanitarian efforts.

Since April 2024, groups of settlers have continuously attempted to prevent a convoy of trucks carrying essential supplies from entering Gaza, in some cases even attacking truck drivers merely suspected of carrying aid.

Israeli settlers block aid to Gaza amidst the starvation of Palestinians

Their actions are a manifestation of a wider Zionist belief system, pervasive throughout Israeli culture, that sees the suffering of Palestinians as either justified or necessary for the fulfillment of their ideological goals.

The involvement of settlers in blocking aid underscores the deeply entrenched belief among many in Israel that the subjugation of Palestinians is not only acceptable but necessary to maintain the status quo.

Bruning Olive Trees

The destruction of olive trees in Palestine is another tactic employed as part of a broader strategy of deprivation and economic control. Olive trees are not just a vital source of income for Palestinian families; they are deeply intertwined with their cultural heritage and daily sustenance.

Israeli Settlers burn down Palestinian olive trees near Nablus. 

The systematic uprooting and destruction of these trees by Israeli forces and settlers serve multiple purposes. Economically, it cripples a major sector of the Palestinian agricultural industry, undermining the livelihoods of thousands of families who depend on olive farming.

This destruction also disrupts the local economy, increasing dependency on external aid while eroding the community's ability to sustain itself. The consequences of this starvation doctrine are disproportionately afflicting the most vulnerable among this already diminished population.

When will it end?

These attacks are not random acts of violence but are part of a calculated strategy designed to starve the Palestinian population into submission. The Israeli blockade, which persists to this day, drastically limits the entry of food, medical supplies, and other essential goods.

Reports from humanitarian organizations have consistently highlighted the severity of the situation. Palestinians have resorted to eating animal feed and donkey meat to stay alive.

Yet, in the halls of global power, the plight of the Palestinians is met with little, if any, meaningful action.

Change can only come when there is a collective will to not only denounce these actions but to hold those responsible accountable for the war crimes committed. Until then, the Palestinian people are left to wonder: When will the world stand up against this genocide?

Starvation is a slow, painful death, and in Gaza, it is not just the body that withers—it is the spirit. With each passing day, as the people fight for survival in an increasingly hostile environment, the world’s inaction becomes complicit in the continuation of this tragedy.

How many more will die before we recognize that the weaponization of food is one of the most horrific forms of warfare?